Thankfully, I got to spend this last week with my boyfriend David, learning to drive, camping out to watch for possums, and going on a birdwatching walk. I also ate greens two nights in a row. It was different.
After the first night of sleeping in the tent, we were discouraged by the lack of possum activity. There WAS possum activity; we heard it eating the food we set out, but it disappeared before we could get a glimpse of it. The next night was much better. We started to hear things falling on the tent, and looked up through the mesh ceiling to see a baby possum crawling in the tree directly above us. We watched it move around for the next 20 minutes until finally it was staring straight down at us, wiggling it's ears and bobbing it's head. It was an awesome ending to our possum stakeout.
On Saturday we went to two graduation parties where David finally met some of my church friends. I'm not very social at parties. I sit in corners and look gloomy. Not very many people talked to us. We did get to drink beer and eat massive amounts of bean dip, so that was a plus.
On Sunday, I went to church and literally started falling asleep during the sermon. I would have been successful if the chairs didn't make my back ache. I sound like an old man. Also, I wish we sang more hymns instead of this contemporary stuff. And we need banjos! Grrrrr.
So...there it is. I'm not sure what's in store for this week. Probably listening to music and being a sloth. Speaking of that...
David sent me this:
Isn't this band just awesome? What's interesting is I used to hear this on a commercial and I hated it because it came on every 5 minutes. I never knew it was Noah and The Whale and Laura Marling. Ok, maybe that's only interesting to me. Whatever.
Finally: I like moths. This is my favorite moth. Enjoy:

Moth stakeout next. Also, Melissa should teach us all the local birds.