So I found this old draft of a post that I began on April 23 of 2009. It was called "The Story of the Anomalous Salmon". It is not finished, but I thought I'd share it anyway.
Everyone knows that salmon are born to live a short life, in which they will make two epic journeys, and then parish. Salmon are a monotonous species; they are born in a river, they swim to the ocean, they swim back to where they were born, and then they die. What's the point of this? Why don't they do something more meaningful with their lives? Why do they all feel that after laying eggs, life is not worth living? Imagine if humans were like that. They would wait years until they matured, then fulfill their dream of having children. As soon as their first child was born, they would just say, "Ok, time to die now, good luck kid." The human species would cease to exist.
In a rural insignificant stretch of river somewhere in California, a young salmon named Frederick Augustus Walter, (or at least that is what his name would have been, had his mother cared to name him before she dropped dead), was making his first journey of his life, to the pacific ocean. There were thousands of others swimming with him, and that was just his family. He had a strange feeling that he would never forget the place of his birth, even though every few seconds he forgot what he was even thinking about before. All he knew was that after spending a few years in this river, he was tired of it and felt like moving on to bigger things, and somehow he just knew that somewhere there was a huge ocean where he could spend the rest of his life maturing.
Frederick reached the ocean eventually, not quite sure how long he had been traveling. It was cold, and very intimidating with it's currents and waves, but there were many others like him, and to his surprise, even older salmon. He swam up to one, hoping he could ask about something that had been on his mind for the last three seconds.
"Sir," he began, "Do know why we exist?"
"Exist? What does that mean?" replied the gruff old Salmon.
"You know, why are we here?"
"To grow up of course! And because this is a nice place. So much water. I always knew there was a place like this, after those horrid years cooped up in that river bed. I'll never go back! NEVER!" declared the old salmon. Frederick felt downcast. His question hadn't been answered. His days in the ocean were long, (what he didn't know was that they were actually years), and he grew more and more everyday. He had grown to love the ocean, for it's sense of freedom and diversity. The old salmon was getting even older, and looked about ready die at any moment. It was now late summer, about to change into fall.
"It's a lovely day in the ocean," mumbled the old salmon.
"Yes, at least we're not in that river anymore," Frederick added. The old salmon's eyes grew wide.
"River, you say? There really is such a place?" Frederick blinked in confusion.
"Well, yes, don't you remember? You hated it there."
"NONSENSE! If I could just see that river one more time, I'de die happily." With that, the old salmon departed upstream, allong with thousands of others. As he left, he called back, "Do not fear, your time will come!"
Frederick was very confused, but kept in mind what the old salmon had said. At least for the next three seconds.
So there it is. What do you think will happen to Frederick?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Mundane Appreciation Post.
1. Seeing inchworms hanging from trees in the spring. It reminds me of the simpler days of childhood right before summer would start, and it serves as a reminder of playing in my backyard with my friends, collecting the little bugs and watching them hang from our fingers. That was back when I would actually touch bugs. Now..eww. I still like seeing them though.
2.Blueberry muffins with crunchy sugar toppings. Is there anything else to say? A good blueberry muffin baked to perfection just makes my day. Best snack everrr.
3. When old people say hi to you as you pass them on the street. There's something cool about old people. They just seem more genuine, and they are more polite. Well, most of them. Sopeaking of that, an old man said "Hello" to me as I walked by and I said "Good Morning." It was 1:oo pm. I felt stupid.
4. Frozen Yogurt. Vanilla, specifically. With oreo cookies:D
5. The smell of books. The best smelling book I ever read was The Oaken Throne by Robin Jarvis. You should read it because it smelled so good. And because it had squirrels and bats in it. And epic battles...
6. Purring kittens <3
7. Living room dance parties with your family. Wait, you say your family doesn't blast music and dance in the living room? :O How sad.
8. The middle c key on the piano. I don't know why. It's just my favorite. It helps you find everyhting I guess.
9. Lace, ribbons, floral prints, and bows^_^ What? I AM a girl.
10. Soft carpets.
11. The sound of Masonic Ave. at night while staying at my aunt's house in San Francisco. And watching the cars go by.
12. The depressing painting of a blonde girl holding a black cat and crying that has hung in my room since as long as I can remember. My Grandpa painted it.
13. Postcards From Far Away. The Coldplay song, and the actual post cards. I havn't gotten a post card in a long time:(
14. Strange foreign movies about children on their own, such as Treeless Hill and Nobody Knows. They are really boring to watch, but they make you think about them long after.
15. Perfect weather. Not too hot, not too cold. No wind. It messes up my hair :\ And no humidity either. A little fog is nice, if it's only at night or in the morning. I like to see the sun at some point.
16. Big eucalyptus trees that you can climb in. I'm secretly a Koala. That explains why I like to sleep! And eat leaves! Wait, I don't do that...Ok I ate a eucalyptus leaf once when I was little. I don't know if that was a good idea...but I'm alive now right?:P
17. When the mustard flowers bloom in Plumas Lake, and they bring out the goats to eat all the weeds on the dirt road. Goats<3
18. A good cup of espresso when I come home from school. It's the first thing I do, everyday without fail.
19. Constancy. I don't like change.
20. Being able to remember many things about my childhood; random days, conversations, things I liked, and everything else. I like having a good memory. I sometimes just start thinking about things that happened when I was 10, or 5, or even 3. The kids who teased me in daycare, the exact names of the streets my friends lived on, what certain people's houses smelled like, interviewing the employees of the restaraunt my dad used to manage with my tape recorder, pretending I had an imaginary pet mouse that rode on the toy motor cycle at my Grandparents' house, all the details of my epic imaginary fairy game that lasted throughout 3rd and 4th grade, making "creek soup" in the backyard with my kitchen set, learning to play the first few notes of "Joy to The World" on my toy piano when I was 3, my pet caterpillar that was almost crushed by a tree, and of course, the inchworms.
2.Blueberry muffins with crunchy sugar toppings. Is there anything else to say? A good blueberry muffin baked to perfection just makes my day. Best snack everrr.
3. When old people say hi to you as you pass them on the street. There's something cool about old people. They just seem more genuine, and they are more polite. Well, most of them. Sopeaking of that, an old man said "Hello" to me as I walked by and I said "Good Morning." It was 1:oo pm. I felt stupid.
4. Frozen Yogurt. Vanilla, specifically. With oreo cookies:D
5. The smell of books. The best smelling book I ever read was The Oaken Throne by Robin Jarvis. You should read it because it smelled so good. And because it had squirrels and bats in it. And epic battles...
6. Purring kittens <3
7. Living room dance parties with your family. Wait, you say your family doesn't blast music and dance in the living room? :O How sad.
8. The middle c key on the piano. I don't know why. It's just my favorite. It helps you find everyhting I guess.
9. Lace, ribbons, floral prints, and bows^_^ What? I AM a girl.
10. Soft carpets.
11. The sound of Masonic Ave. at night while staying at my aunt's house in San Francisco. And watching the cars go by.
12. The depressing painting of a blonde girl holding a black cat and crying that has hung in my room since as long as I can remember. My Grandpa painted it.
13. Postcards From Far Away. The Coldplay song, and the actual post cards. I havn't gotten a post card in a long time:(
14. Strange foreign movies about children on their own, such as Treeless Hill and Nobody Knows. They are really boring to watch, but they make you think about them long after.
15. Perfect weather. Not too hot, not too cold. No wind. It messes up my hair :\ And no humidity either. A little fog is nice, if it's only at night or in the morning. I like to see the sun at some point.
16. Big eucalyptus trees that you can climb in. I'm secretly a Koala. That explains why I like to sleep! And eat leaves! Wait, I don't do that...Ok I ate a eucalyptus leaf once when I was little. I don't know if that was a good idea...but I'm alive now right?:P
17. When the mustard flowers bloom in Plumas Lake, and they bring out the goats to eat all the weeds on the dirt road. Goats<3
18. A good cup of espresso when I come home from school. It's the first thing I do, everyday without fail.
19. Constancy. I don't like change.
20. Being able to remember many things about my childhood; random days, conversations, things I liked, and everything else. I like having a good memory. I sometimes just start thinking about things that happened when I was 10, or 5, or even 3. The kids who teased me in daycare, the exact names of the streets my friends lived on, what certain people's houses smelled like, interviewing the employees of the restaraunt my dad used to manage with my tape recorder, pretending I had an imaginary pet mouse that rode on the toy motor cycle at my Grandparents' house, all the details of my epic imaginary fairy game that lasted throughout 3rd and 4th grade, making "creek soup" in the backyard with my kitchen set, learning to play the first few notes of "Joy to The World" on my toy piano when I was 3, my pet caterpillar that was almost crushed by a tree, and of course, the inchworms.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Finally, a post.
So I've had this blog for about a month now I think. Or at least that's when I remembered that I signed up at this website. I don't really have any focus for what I will write about. Maybe random thoughts, maybe just stupid things I feel like posting, or maybe even pictures if I feel motivated to go out and take interesting pictures. I just decided that I wanted a place to blog about my thoughts...or lack of thoughts, depending on the day. Beware, this will probably not be very interesting, but I don't really care. I'm not writing this for YOU! Whoever you happen to be. Haha, sorry, that sounded mean:D But really, if you read this blog and think it's interesting, that's fine, but I'm not really getting my hopes up that anyone will read it. So why am I doing this? Good question :P
Anyway, uhhhh..I ran out of thoughts. So here is what I ate today:
1. Yogurt, vanilla with cinnamon. Cinnamon makes everything better. Except maybe for vegetables:\
2. A blueberry muffin. I found them in the kitchen when I arrived back at my temporary home this morning. They tasted like they had a lot of fiber.
3. A nutty taco/burrito. This is basically a burrito only instead of meat, the filling is vegetarian and made out of various nuts and seeds. Believe me, it's actually very good. I topped it with pepper jack cheese and organic salsa, and ate it on a whole grain tortilla. Healthy!:P
4. A chocolate.
5. Espresso diet today was wimpy. I need to eat more food! <_ <
Here is the weather.
Fair Oaks, CA
43 degrees, currently. Mostly sunny (except that it's night)
Humidity 87%
Wind: 6mph s
And I saw a cat today. He was very fat! 0_0
And here is a random image I found on the internetz!
Just look at it's cute little face! ^_^
Anyway, uhhhh..I ran out of thoughts. So here is what I ate today:
1. Yogurt, vanilla with cinnamon. Cinnamon makes everything better. Except maybe for vegetables:\
2. A blueberry muffin. I found them in the kitchen when I arrived back at my temporary home this morning. They tasted like they had a lot of fiber.
3. A nutty taco/burrito. This is basically a burrito only instead of meat, the filling is vegetarian and made out of various nuts and seeds. Believe me, it's actually very good. I topped it with pepper jack cheese and organic salsa, and ate it on a whole grain tortilla. Healthy!:P
4. A chocolate.
5. Espresso diet today was wimpy. I need to eat more food! <_
Here is the weather.
Fair Oaks, CA
43 degrees, currently. Mostly sunny (except that it's night)
Humidity 87%
Wind: 6mph s
And I saw a cat today. He was very fat! 0_0
And here is a random image I found on the internetz!
Just look at it's cute little face! ^_^

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